Thursday, November 8, 2012

Midi to waveform representation in Processing

Here I'll show how to convert midi notes to frequency, and how to show that frequency with a sine wave

//click on the note numbers to get the respective frequency 
float hertz;
int noteNumber;//variable for the midi note
int xspacing = 5;   // How far apart should each horizontal location be spaced
int w;              // Width of entire wave
int theta = 0;  // Start angle at 0
float ampl;  // Height of wave
float period = 100.0;  // How many pixels before the wave repeats
float dx;  // Value for incrementing X, a function of period and xspacing
float[] yvalues;  // Using an array to store height values for the wave
void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  w = width+16;
  dx = (TWO_PI / period) * xspacing;
  yvalues = new float[w/xspacing];
void draw() {
  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float deltaX=mouseX-width/2; //create a variable with the delta of the x component of the ending - start point
  float deltaY=mouseY-height/2; //create a variable with the delta of the y component of the ending - start point
  float angleInRadians=atan2(deltaY,deltaX); //get the angle in radians between them with atan2()
  PVector[]points=new PVector[100]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[100]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
//initalize each vector with x=0 and y=0 values;
  for(int a=0; a<100-1; a++){
    points[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
  //here the magic begins
//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors
text("hertz "+hertz,width-300,height/2+100);
  if((mouseX>10&&mouseX<50) && (mouseY>10&&mouseY<60)){
  if((mouseX>width-80&&mouseX<width) && (mouseY>10&&mouseY<60)){
   if((mouseX>10&&mouseX<50) && (mouseY>height-70&&mouseY<height)){
    if((mouseX>width-80&&mouseX<width) && (mouseY>height-70&&mouseY<height)){
println("noteNumber "+ noteNumber);
//convert midi to frequency
hertz = ( 440*pow(2,((noteNumber-69)/12.0))) ;
println("hertz "+ hertz);
  ampl=20;//aplitude of 20px
  // For every x value, calculate a y value with sine function

  for (int i = 0; i < 100-1; i++) {
    theta += int(hertz);
   if(theta%1000==0){//reset theta
    yvalues[i] = sin(theta)*ampl;
  noFill(); //no fill
  stroke(255); // white stroke
  strokeWeight(2); //2 px stroke
  for(int i = 0; i<100-1;i++){
  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(99)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(99));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  amplitude[i].set(0,(yvalues[i]),0); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of the buffer
  rotate2D(amplitude[i],angleInRadians); //rotate the vector of amplitude acordingly to the angle between the start and end points
  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line
  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph
  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex
  //draw the ellipses with the positions of the startpoint and endpoint
  float diam=40;
//A function that rotates the vector
void rotate2D(PVector v, float angle) {
  // What's the magnitude?
  float m = v.mag();
  // What's the angle?
  float a = v.heading2D();
  // Change the angle
  a += angle;
  // Polar to cartesian for the new xy components
  v.x = m * cos(a);
  v.y = m * sin(a);


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