Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blender animation visualizer in Processing using XML (data visualization from XML files) Part 2

I did a different visualization of a Blender animation in a 'point cloud' representation in 3D. I divided the screen in two, one for the 3d world, and other for the frame slider.

To run the code below, you'll need a XML file inside the data folder of the processing sketch, as we did in the previous post.

To move inside the 3D world, left-click and move, to zoom, right-click and move

// by Italo Travenzoli

import java.awt.Frame; //import Frame
import java.awt.BorderLayout; //import Border Layout
import controlP5.*; //import proxml library
private ControlP5 cp5; //import controlP5 library
ControlFrame cf; // create a control frame object

import peasy.*; //import Peasy library
PeasyCam cam;

import proxml.*; //import proxml library

//xml element to store and load the data of the xml

XMLElement Animation;
XMLElement Object;
XMLElement frame;
XMLElement framePointer;
XMLElement position;
XMLElement positionPointer;
XMLElement rotation;
XMLElement rotationPointer;

XMLInOut xmlInOut;

float posX, posY, posZ; // float variables for positions 
String objName; // string variables for object name

int frameSelector = 0; //variable to select frames, initialized with the 0 position
int frameSelectorConstrain; ///constrained variable to select frames
int objectSelector = 0; //variable to select objects, initialized with the 0 position

int numFrames=0; //variable to count the number of frames in the animation, initialized with the 0 position

int numObjects=0; //variable to count the number of objects in the scene, initialized with the 0 position

float [] pointCloudX; //array of floats (x positions of points in the cloud)
float [] pointCloudY; //array of floats (y positions of points in the cloud)
float [] pointCloudZ; //array of floats (z positions of points in the cloud)

float varYMap; //float variable to map the y variation

void setup() {
  size(600, 350, P3D); //size & p3d render

  cam = new PeasyCam (this, 1000);

  xmlInOut = new XMLInOut(this);
  try {
  catch(Exception e) {
    //if the xml file could not be loaded it has to be created
    // xmlEvent(new XMLElement("Animation"));


  cp5 = new ControlP5(this); //new ControlP5 object
  cf = addControlFrame("extra", 400, 150); //new Control Frame object - secondary window - (name, width, height)

  numObjects = (Animation.countChildren()-1); //define numObjects with the number of childrens of the 'Animation' tag
  numFrames= (Object.countChildren()-1); //define numFrames with the number of childrens of the 'Object' tag

  pointCloudX= new float [numFrames]; //create an float array with the size of number of frames
  pointCloudY= new float [numFrames]; //create an float array with the size of number of frames
  pointCloudZ= new float [numFrames]; //create an float array with the size of number of frames


void xmlEvent(XMLElement element) {
  Animation = element; //define the Animation element as the element (first tag of XML)
  Object = Animation.getChild(0); //define the Object element as the -first- child of Animation tag in position 0 (the first object of the xml file)


void draw() {
  background(255); //white bg
  frameSelectorConstrain = constrain(frameSelector, 0, (Object.countChildren()-2)); // constrain frame selector

  for (int a = 0; a< numObjects; a++) { // for all objects in scene
    Object = Animation.getChild(a); //get objects
    objName  =(Object.getAttribute("name")); //get objects names
    for (int b=0; b<numFrames;b++) { // for all frames
      framePointer = Object.getChild(b); //get frame in context
      positionPointer = framePointer.getChild(0); //read _position as first child of _frame
      rotationPointer = framePointer.getChild(1); //read _rotation as second child of _frame
      pointCloudX[b] = positionPointer.getFloatAttribute("posX"); //read attribute 'posX' as float
      pointCloudY[b] = positionPointer.getFloatAttribute("posY"); //read attribute 'posY' as float
      pointCloudZ[b] = positionPointer.getFloatAttribute("posZ"); //read attribute 'posZ' as float
      fill(255, 0, 0); //red fill
      stroke(255,0,0); //red stroke
      //draw points (to represent position in time)
      stroke(255,0,0); //red stroke
      strokeWeight(5); //stroke weight 5
      translate(pointCloudX[b]*100, pointCloudZ[b]*-100, pointCloudY[b]*100); //translate each point to the position of the objects in scene (*100, because the values are too low)
      point(0,0); //draw point
    // draw lines (to represent rotation in time)
      stroke(0,0,255); //blue stroke
      strokeWeight(1); //stroke weight 2
      translate(pointCloudX[b]*100, pointCloudZ[b]*-100, pointCloudY[b]*100);  //translate each line to the position of the objects in scene (*100, because the values are too low)
      rotateX(radians(rotationPointer.getFloatAttribute("rotX")*100)); //rotate x
      rotateY(radians(rotationPointer.getFloatAttribute("rotY")*100)); //rotate y
      rotateZ(radians(rotationPointer.getFloatAttribute("rotZ")*100)); //rotate z
      line(0,0,0,-30); //draw line

      //draw point of the selected frame
      stroke(0,255,0); //green stroke
      strokeWeight(8); //stroke weight 8
      translate(pointCloudX[frameSelectorConstrain]*100, pointCloudZ[frameSelectorConstrain]*-100, pointCloudY[frameSelectorConstrain]*100); //translate each point to the position of the objects in scene (*100, because the values are too low)
      point(0,0); //draw point
      //draw text
      translate(pointCloudX[0]*100, pointCloudZ[0]*-100, pointCloudY[0]*100); //translate each object name to the position of the objects in scene (*100, because the values are too low)
      textSize(20); // text size 20
      text(objName, 20, 20); //draw text with offset of 20 pixels 

//draw world box
  box (700);

ControlFrame addControlFrame(String theName, int theWidth, int theHeight) {
  Frame f = new Frame(theName);
  ControlFrame p = new ControlFrame(this, theWidth, theHeight);
  f.setSize(p.w, p.h);
  f.setLocation(100, 100);
  return p;

// the ControlFrame class extends PApplet, so we 
// are creating a new processing applet inside a
// new frame with a controlP5 object loaded
public class ControlFrame extends PApplet {

  int w, h;

  int abc = 100;

  public void setup() {
    size(w, h);
    cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

//create sliders

//slider to select frame
      .setPosition(20, 20)
          .setRange(0, numFrames) // values can range from big to small as well
              .plugTo(parent, "frameSelector")
    frameSelector = constrain(frameSelector,0,Object.countChildren()-1);
    cp5.addSlider("abc").setRange(0, 255).setPosition(10,10);
     cp5.addSlider("def").plugTo(parent,"def").setRange(0, 255).setPosition(10,30);

  public void draw() {


    text("frame: "+frameSelector, 20, 100);


  private ControlFrame() {

  public ControlFrame(Object theParent, int theWidth, int theHeight) {
    parent = theParent;
    w = theWidth;
    h = theHeight;

  public ControlP5 control() {
    return cp5;

  ControlP5 cp5;

  Object parent;


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blender animation visualizer in Processing using XML (data visualization from XML files) Part 1

The lesson today is about data visualization in Processing using XML as a data base, and we'll achieve data from animated objects in Blender, using a script to generate a txt file.

First, we need data.

In Blender, you can animate characters using controllers, that could be meshes, curves, etc. If you only animate a character by grabbing, rotating and scaling controllers, you could get accurate data analyzing those controllers transformations.

It's possible to read the bones (actually pose-bones) rotation data, but in this case we'll focus in the controllers transformations.

How do you export data from Blender?
- By using python scripts in the Text Editor panel.

 Your objects are in the center panel (3D View), and, on the right side panel, the Text Editor

To store data, you need data first. Create a scene with different objects (meshes, curves, etc), and animate them by grabbing and rotating. If you don't know how to add objects and keyframes, ask mr. Google. It's not the objective of this post to teach how to use Blender.

Try to understand the code reading the comments (in python coments are after "#" and in processing is after "//")

If you already have animated objects,  you can add the following python script to the Text Editor:

# by Italo Travenzoli 

import bpy

import os

main_path = os.getcwd() #define the main path to the current working directory of a process.

print("writing to: " + main_path + "\n\n") #print the path to the console

outfile = os.path.join(main_path, 'test.txt') #define the out file by using the main_path variable and the name of the file

outfile = open('test.txt', 'w') #open the file to write on it

sce = bpy.context.scene #get the current scene

#writes the txt file

with open('test.txt', 'w') as outfile:

    outfile.write("<Animation>\n") #write the first open tag

    for objects in #for each object in the scene...

        ob =[] #the ob variable is set as the object in context

        outfile.write("<Object name=\"" + + "\">\n") #write the next tag Object with the parameter name, that'll be filled with the object name

        for frame in range(sce.frame_end + 1): #for each frame in the range of frames of the animation

            sce.frame_set(frame) #set the frame of the scene as the frame in context

            posx = ob.location[0] #get the position in X of the object in context

            posy = ob.location[1] #get the position in Y of the object in context

            posz = ob.location[2] #get the position in Z of the object in context

            rotx = ob.rotation_euler[0] #get the rotation in X of the object in context

            roty = ob.rotation_euler[1] #get the position in Y of the object in context

            rotz = ob.rotation_euler[2] #get the position in Z of the object in context

            outfile.write("<frame id=\"" + str(frame)+ "\">\n") #write the next tag "frame" with the parameter "id"



            outfile.write("<position ") #write the next tag "position"

            outfile.write("posX=\"" + str(posx) + "\" ") #write the position in X of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("posY=\"" + str(posy) + "\" ") #write the position in Y of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("posZ=\"" + str(posz) + "\" ") #write the position in Z of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("/>\n") #close the tag "position" and break the line


            outfile.write("<rotation ") #write the next tag "rotation"

            outfile.write("rotX=\"" + str(rotx) + "\" ")  #write the rotation in X of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("rotY=\"" + str(roty) + "\" ") #write the rotation in Y of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("rotZ=\"" + str(rotz) + "\" ") #write the rotation in Z of the object in context as a parameter

            outfile.write("/>\n") #close the tag "rotation" and break the line


            outfile.write("</frame>\n") #close the tag "frame" and break the line

        outfile.write("</Object>\n") #close the tag "Object" and break the line

    outfile.write("</Animation>\n") #close the tag "Animation" and break the line


outfile.close() #close the file

Run the script!!

This script genetates a .txt file with all the positions and rotations of each object in each frame.

Open the generated "test.txt" file and put a line above everything:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
Save as a XML file, with "data.xml" name.

Now you are able to visualize it with Processing. I used Processing 2.0b8 with controlP5 and proXML libraries.

Create a Processing sketch, save, and, inside of the sketch folder, create a "data" folder. Paste the  "data.xml" inside of it.

// by Italo Travenzoli

import proxml.*; //import proxml library

import controlP5.*; //import controlP5 library

ControlP5 cp5; //define a ControlP5 object

Slider abc; //define a abc slider object

float posX, posY, posZ; //float variables for positions

String objName; // string variable for object name

int frameSelector = 0; //variable to select frames, initialized with the 0 position

int objectSelector = 0; //variable to select objects, initialized with the 0 position

int numFrames=0; // //variable to count the number of frames in the animation, initialized with the 0 position

float [] pointsX; //array of floats (x positions)

float [] pointsY; //array of floats (y positions)

float varYMap; //float variable to map the y variation

//xml element to store and load the data of the xml

XMLElement Animation;

XMLElement Object;

XMLElement frame;

XMLElement framePointer;

XMLElement position;

XMLElement positionPointer;

XMLElement rotation;

XMLElement rotationPointer;

XMLInOut xmlInOut;

void setup() {

  size(600, 350); //size

  xmlInOut = new XMLInOut(this);

  try {

    xmlInOut.loadElement("data.xml"); //load the data.xml file


  catch(Exception e) {

    //if the xml file could not be loaded it has to be created

    // xmlEvent(new XMLElement("Animation"));



  cp5 = new ControlP5(this); //new ControlP5 object

  // add a horizontal sliders, the value of this slider will be linked

  // to variable 'sliderValue' 

  cp5.addSlider("objectSelector") //slider to select the object

    .setPosition(50, 25)


        .setRange(0, (Animation.countChildren()-1)) // set the range of the slider by achieving the number of objects in the scene




// use Slider.FIX or Slider.FLEXIBLE to change the slider handle

// by default it is Slider.FIX


numFrames=(Object.countChildren()-1); //variable that receives the number of frames in the scene

  cp5.addSlider("frameSelector") //slider to select the frame

    .setPosition(50, 50)


        .setRange(0, numFrames) // set the range of the slider by achieving the number of frames in the scene




  pointsX= new float [numFrames]; //create the array for x positions by defining its size with the number of frames

  pointsY= new float [numFrames]; //create the array for y positions by defining its size with the number of frames


void xmlEvent(XMLElement element) {

  Animation = element; //define the Animation element as the element (first tag of XML)

  Object = Animation.getChild(0); //define the Object element as the -first- child of Animation tag in position 0 (the first object of the xml file)


void draw() {

  background(150); //gray bg

  fill(0); //black fill

  Object = Animation.getChild(objectSelector); //Define the object in context by receiving the data from the objectSelector slider

  objName =(Object.getAttribute("name")); //get the name of the object in context

  frame = Object.getChild(frameSelector); //Define the frame in context by receiving the data from the frameSelector slider

  position = frame.getChild(0); //reach the position tag as the first child of the frame tag

  rotation = frame.getChild(1); //reach the rotation tag as the second child of the frame tag

  posX = position.getFloatAttribute("posX");  //define the posX variable by getting the float value of the posX attribute

  posY = position.getFloatAttribute("posY"); //define the posY variable by getting the float value of the posY attribute

  posZ = position.getFloatAttribute("posZ");   //define the posZ variable by getting the float value of the posZ attribute

//write text on screen


  text("object: "+ objName, 50, 100);

  text("frame: "+frameSelector, 50, 150);

  text("posX: "+ posX, 50, 200);

  text("posY: "+posY, 50, 250);

  text("posZ: "+posZ, 50, 300);


 //get all the values of positions in every frame of the object in context and store in the array

  for (int i=0; i<numFrames;i++) {

    framePointer = Object.getChild(i);

    positionPointer = framePointer.getChild(0);

    rotationPointer = framePointer.getChild(1);

    pointsX[i] = positionPointer.getFloatAttribute("posX");

    pointsY[i] = positionPointer.getFloatAttribute("posY");


//draw the graph - explained in details here:

//draw a lighter gray rect to serve as frame for the graph



  rect(width/2-10, height/2-100+50, 295, 200);

  int ponto1x=width/2;

  int ponto1y=height/2+50;

  int ponto2x=width-20;

  int ponto2y=height/2+50;

  PVector [] pontos = new PVector [numFrames];

  PVector [] var = new PVector [numFrames];

  for (int i=0;i<numFrames;i++) {

    pontos[i] = new PVector (0, 0, 0);

    var [i] = new PVector (0, 0, 0);



  stroke(255, 0, 0);



  for (int i=0;i<numFrames;i++) {

    float X=(lerp(ponto1x, ponto2x, i/float(numFrames)));

    float Y=(lerp(ponto1y, ponto2y, i/float(numFrames)));

    pontos[i].set(X, Y, 0);

    var[i].set(0, map(pointsY[i]-pointsY[0], 0, 2, 0, 100), 0);


    vertex(pontos[i].x, pontos[i].y);



  fill(255, 0, 0);

  frameSelector = constrain(frameSelector, 0, numFrames-1);

  ellipse(map(frameSelector, 0, numFrames, ponto1x, ponto2x), height/2+50+map(pointsY[frameSelector]-pointsY[0], 0, 2, 0, 100), 10, 10);


Ta dah!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Blogging Hiatus

Hey everyone, I'm really busy these days whith my master's degree project, but after day 18 of this month I'll be back.

Sorry :(

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Glitch brush


/* Glitch brush by Italo Travenzoli

press "s" to save image
press "e" to erase
press "g" to glitch
  int N=0;

void setup(){

size (851,315);






void draw(){



    if (key== 's'||key=='S'){



    if (key== 'e'||key=='E'){

      background (255);

   if (key== 'g'||key=='G'){



    float strokeSize = random(5,25);




    rect (mouseX,mouseY,strokeSize,strokeSize);
    ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,strokeSize,strokeSize);



int r(int a){

  return int(random(a));



void mouseReleased (){


  save("glitchCover"+ (N)+".tif");



void Set() {

  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

    int x = r(width);

    int y = r(height);




Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to get frequency values from mic with Processing and Minim library

(test with this video:

The idea is to get the frequency of the volume peak

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;

Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
FFT fft;
String note;// name of the note
int n;//int value midi note
color c;//color
float hertz;//frequency in hertz
float midi;//float midi note
int noteNumber;//variable for the midi note

int sampleRate= 44100;//sapleRate of 44100

float [] max= new float [sampleRate/2];//array that contains the half of the sampleRate size, because FFT only reads the half of the sampleRate frequency. This array will be filled with amplitude values.
float maximum;//the maximum amplitude of the max array
float frequency;//the frequency in hertz

void setup()
  size(400, 200);

  minim = new Minim(this);
  in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, 4096, sampleRate);
  fft = new FFT(in.left.size(), sampleRate);

void draw()

  background(0);//black BG

  findNote(); //find note function

  textSize(50); //size of the text

  text (frequency-6+" hz", 50, 80);//display the frequency in hertz
  text ("note "+note, 50, 150);//display the note name

void findNote() {

  for (int f=0;f<sampleRate/2;f++) { //analyses the amplitude of each frequency analysed, between 0 and 22050 hertz
    max[f]=fft.getFreq(float(f)); //each index is correspondent to a frequency and contains the amplitude value 
  maximum=max(max);//get the maximum value of the max array in order to find the peak of volume

  for (int i=0; i<max.length; i++) {// read each frequency in order to compare with the peak of volume
    if (max[i] == maximum) {//if the value is equal to the amplitude of the peak, get the index of the array, which corresponds to the frequency
      frequency= i;

  midi= 69+12*(log((frequency-6)/440));// formula that transform frequency to midi numbers
  n= int (midi);//cast to int

//the octave have 12 tones and semitones. So, if we get a modulo of 12, we get the note names independently of the frequency  
if (n%12==9)
    note = ("a");
    c = color (255, 0, 0);

  if (n%12==10)
    note = ("a#");
    c = color (255, 0, 80);

  if (n%12==11)
    note = ("b");
    c = color (255, 0, 150);

  if (n%12==0)
    note = ("c");
    c = color (200, 0, 255);

  if (n%12==1)
    note = ("c#");
    c = color (100, 0, 255);

  if (n%12==2)
    note = ("d");
    c = color (0, 0, 255);

  if (n%12==3)
    note = ("d#");
    c = color (0, 50, 255);

  if (n%12==4)
    note = ("e");
    c = color (0, 150, 255);

  if (n%12==5)
    note = ("f");
    c = color (0, 255, 255);

  if (n%12==6)
    note = ("f#");
    c = color (0, 255, 0);

  if (n%12==7)
    note = ("g");
    c = color (255, 255, 0);

  if (n%12==8)
    note = ("g#");
    c = color (255, 150, 0);

void stop()
  // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them


Friday, January 18, 2013

Procedural texture

I wanted to create a new cover for my twitter, so I used code to make a procedural texture. I want to share the code:

float [] sizeX= new float [10000];
float [] sizeY= new float [10000];

void setup(){
  size (700,400);
   for(int i=0; i<2000;i++){
     for(int j=0; j<2000;j++){
       sizeX[i]=random (5,50);
       sizeY[i]=random (5,50);

void draw (){
  background (0);
      for(int i=0; i<2000;i++){
    for(int j=0; j<2000;j++){
   sizeX[i]=random (5,50);
   sizeY[i]=random (5,50);
  for(int i=0; i<2000;i+=20){
    for(int j=0; j<2000;j+=20){
      rect (i,j,sizeX[i+j],sizeX[i+j]); 
      //ellipse (i,j,2,2);  
    if (key== 's'||key=='S'){
   text("Press 's' to save image, click to generate new texture", 30,30); 
   text("PS. Don't worry, this text will desapear when you hit the key", 30,50);

With few changes in the code, the result changes radically,

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Classes on Processing

I wish i'd had the explanation I'll give about classes on Processing when I was learning for the first time...

I reunite the basic information you need to understand classes below:

A class is the basis of the object-oriented programming: "A class is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are created." And, for instance, an object is "a software bundle of related state and behavior. Software objects are often used to model the real-world objects that you find in everyday life". (

"A class is a composite of fields (data) and methods (functions that are a part of the class) which may be instantiated as objects. The first letter of a class name is usually uppercase to separate it from other kinds of variables". (

Now, I'll show how to create a Class, and an array of objects.


A cubic bee

Fist of all, you need to create the class and the constructor:

class Bee { //The first letter must be UperCase
//declare the variables we'll need, or the properties
int angle; //angle that rotates the wings
int factor=30; //a crazy variable that I used to control the frequency of the wings
float posX, posY,posZ; //variables for the position of the bee

  Bee () {  //constructor


And then, create functions and methods
class Bee { 
int angle;
int factor=30;
float posX, posY,posZ;

  Bee () {  
 void update(){ //function that updates the rotation of the wings
 void render(float x, float y,float z){ //function that draws the bee, receiving the parameters like position in x,y, and z axis;

//rectangles and triangles that creates the bee
Now, you have to declare and initialize the class:

int numBees=1;//number of bees
 Bee [] b = new Bee[numBees]; //an array of bees

 void setup() {
  size(1200,700,OPENGL);//size of the screen, using OpenGl rendering for Z axis translation

  frameRate(60);//frame rate of 60 frames per second
//using a "for" function to initialize all the bees 
 for (int i=0;i<numBees;i++){
    b[i]= new Bee ();

 void draw(){
background(255);//white background

//a "for" function to call the functions of the class for all the bees
    for (int i=0;i<numBees;i++){
      b[i].update();//update wings rotation
    b[i].render(width/2,height/2,300); //draw the bees at the given positions (x,y,z)
I used this class to create a flocking of animated bees. But if you want a simpler way to move the bees randomly like insects, you can use perlin noise...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Processing glitch camera

<Running with Processing 1.5.1!!>

//glitch camera still generator
//click to save image
Capture cam;
int N=0;
void setup(){
size (851,315);
// If no device is specified, will just use the default.
  cam = new Capture(this, 851, 315);
  // To use another device (i.e. if the default device causes an error),  
  // list all available capture devices to the console to find your camera.
  //String[] devices = Capture.list();
  // Change devices[0] to the proper index for your camera.
  //cam = new Capture(this, width, height, devices[0]);
  // Opens the settings page for this capture device.
void draw(){
    if (cam.available() == true) {
    image(cam, 0, 0);
    // The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
    // without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
    set(width, height, cam);
     for (int i=0; i<100;i++){
    rect ((random (0, width)),(random (0, height)),(random (0,50)),(random(0,50)));
int r(int a){
  return int(random(a));
void mouseReleased (){
  save("glitchCamera"+ (N)+".tif");
void Set() {
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    int x = r(width);
    int y = r(height);

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Facebook glitch cover generator made with Processing

//FaceBook glitch cover generator
//click to save image

int N=0;

void setup(){
size (851,315);

void draw(){


int r(int a){
  return int(random(a));

void mouseReleased (){
  save("glitchCover"+ (N)+".tif");

void Set() {
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    int x = r(width);
    int y = r(height);

void Glitch() {
  if (frameCount%(r(250)+1) == 0) {
    int lineDensity = int(noise(frameCount)*width);
    for (int i=0; i<width*1.5; i+=lineDensity) {
      stroke(random(0, 255),random(0, 255),random(0, 255));

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Midi to waveform representation in Processing

Here I'll show how to convert midi notes to frequency, and how to show that frequency with a sine wave

//click on the note numbers to get the respective frequency 
float hertz;
int noteNumber;//variable for the midi note
int xspacing = 5;   // How far apart should each horizontal location be spaced
int w;              // Width of entire wave
int theta = 0;  // Start angle at 0
float ampl;  // Height of wave
float period = 100.0;  // How many pixels before the wave repeats
float dx;  // Value for incrementing X, a function of period and xspacing
float[] yvalues;  // Using an array to store height values for the wave
void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  w = width+16;
  dx = (TWO_PI / period) * xspacing;
  yvalues = new float[w/xspacing];
void draw() {
  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float deltaX=mouseX-width/2; //create a variable with the delta of the x component of the ending - start point
  float deltaY=mouseY-height/2; //create a variable with the delta of the y component of the ending - start point
  float angleInRadians=atan2(deltaY,deltaX); //get the angle in radians between them with atan2()
  PVector[]points=new PVector[100]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[100]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
//initalize each vector with x=0 and y=0 values;
  for(int a=0; a<100-1; a++){
    points[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
  //here the magic begins
//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors
text("hertz "+hertz,width-300,height/2+100);
  if((mouseX>10&&mouseX<50) && (mouseY>10&&mouseY<60)){
  if((mouseX>width-80&&mouseX<width) && (mouseY>10&&mouseY<60)){
   if((mouseX>10&&mouseX<50) && (mouseY>height-70&&mouseY<height)){
    if((mouseX>width-80&&mouseX<width) && (mouseY>height-70&&mouseY<height)){
println("noteNumber "+ noteNumber);
//convert midi to frequency
hertz = ( 440*pow(2,((noteNumber-69)/12.0))) ;
println("hertz "+ hertz);
  ampl=20;//aplitude of 20px
  // For every x value, calculate a y value with sine function

  for (int i = 0; i < 100-1; i++) {
    theta += int(hertz);
   if(theta%1000==0){//reset theta
    yvalues[i] = sin(theta)*ampl;
  noFill(); //no fill
  stroke(255); // white stroke
  strokeWeight(2); //2 px stroke
  for(int i = 0; i<100-1;i++){
  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(99)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(99));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  amplitude[i].set(0,(yvalues[i]),0); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of the buffer
  rotate2D(amplitude[i],angleInRadians); //rotate the vector of amplitude acordingly to the angle between the start and end points
  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line
  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph
  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex
  //draw the ellipses with the positions of the startpoint and endpoint
  float diam=40;
//A function that rotates the vector
void rotate2D(PVector v, float angle) {
  // What's the magnitude?
  float m = v.mag();
  // What's the angle?
  float a = v.heading2D();
  // Change the angle
  a += angle;
  // Polar to cartesian for the new xy components
  v.x = m * cos(a);
  v.y = m * sin(a);

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dynamic waveform representation in Processing

I'll show how to use the method of the previous tutorial to draw dynamic waveforms, displaying the sound of the microphone input between two points: the center of the screen and the mouse.

Reactable look-alike =)

First, let's import the minim library

import ddf.minim.*; //import minim

Minim minim;//declare minim

AudioInput in; //declare an input

int bufferSize = 1280; //define the buffer size

int newBufferSize = bufferSize; //declare and initialize the buffer size

void setup(){

  size(700,700); // size of the screen

  minim = new Minim(this); //initialize minim

  in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, bufferSize);// get a line in from Minim, default bit depth is 16


void draw(){


And... change variables
The amplitude of the graph will be the spectrum of the input audio wave. We just have to change the values of the amplitude vector for the values of the buffer, which we get with a "for" function that increment till the buffer size -1, and replace the Y component of the vector with (in.left.get()) .

import ddf.minim.*; //import minim
Minim minim;//declare minim
AudioInput in; //declare an input

int bufferSize = 1280; //define the buffer size
int newBufferSize = bufferSize; //declare and initialize the buffer size

void setup(){
  size(700,700,P3D); // size of the screen
  minim = new Minim(this); //initialize minim
  in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, bufferSize);// get a line in from Minim, default bit depth is 16
  // get a line out from Minim, default sample rate is 44100, default bit depth is 16


void draw(){
  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
float deltaX=mouseX-width/2; //create a variable with the delta of the x component of the ending - start point
float deltaY=mouseY-height/2; //create a variable with the delta of the y component of the ending - start point
float angleInRadians=atan2(deltaY,deltaX); //get the angle in radians between them with atan2()

  PVector[]points=new PVector[1280]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist 
  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[1280]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
//initalize each vector with x=0 and y=0 values;
  for(int a=0; a<1280-1; a++){
    points[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
//here the magic begins

//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors

  noFill(); //no fill
  stroke(255); // black stroke
  strokeWeight(3); //5 px stroke

  for(int i = 0; i<1280-1;i++){

  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(1280-1)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(1280-1));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  amplitude[i].set(0,(in.left.get(i)*200),0); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of the buffer
  rotate2D(amplitude[i],angleInRadians); //rotate the vector of amplitude acordingly to the angle between the start and end points

  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line
  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph 
  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex
  //draw the ellipses with the positions of the startpoint and endpoint
  float diam=40;

//A function that rotates the vector

void rotate2D(PVector v, float angle) {
  // What's the magnitude?
  float m = v.mag();
  // What's the angle?
  float a = v.heading2D();
  // Change the angle
  a += angle;
  // Polar to cartesian for the new xy components
  v.x = m * cos(a);
  v.y = m * sin(a);

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dynamic Graphs and Processing

I figured out a simple way to manage graphs in Processing using basically ArrayList, PVector, lerp(); and map(). This method is pretty handy and gives more control to generate graphs.
In this "tutorial" I will show how to create a real time graph that analyses the movement of the mouse, displaying the graph between two defined points (beginning in the center of the screen and following the mouse).
This method can be used to render waveforms following two defined points, or to draw mapped graphs wherever you want to put it in the space of the screen.

Look at the waveforms in the Reactable

I didn't have luck searching for tutorials in order to create and display "controlled" graphs, so, I created a very unique way to solve this problem.

ArrayList is more flexible than simple arrays to manage data because it's resizable, and the limit of elements is defined by the available memory of the system. If you have to store and analyse an unknown number of elements (Objects, Integers, Floats, Strings, etc), its best to use arraylists. When an element is added, the size of the array increases automatically. It's good to analyse realtime data.

PVector is handy because it's possible to think each component of the vector independently. For graphs, you can think each axis of data at time. I used it to rotate real time graphs, like waveforms.

Lerp stands for "linear interpolation", and lerp() is a function that make the interpolation between two points. That was the function I used to put de graph wherever I want ( vertical, diagonal, horizontal, backwards). You just specifies where is the beginning point and the end point, and the amount of interpolation in the range of 0 and 1 (0.1 is near to the first point, 0.5 is in the middle and 0.9 is near to the end point). With a "for" function, you achieve an interpolation between any coordinates.

Map() is a function that remaps a number from one range to another. I used this to modify the range of the data in order to resize the graph.

Now, let's put everything together.

Let's start capturing the data.

ArrayList <Float> variation = new ArrayList<Float>(); //Create an ArrayList of floats

void setup(){

  size(400,400); //set the size as 400x400 px


void draw (){

  background(200); //set gray background

  float mapMouseXFromCenter = map(mouseX,0,width,-200,200); //create a variable that remaps the X axis of mouse from the range from 0 to width to  the range from -200 to 200: when the mouse is in the 0 position (the left border), the value of the variable is -200, and when the mouse is in the oposite border (width, or 400), the variable is equal to 200

  variation.add (mapMouseXFromCenter); //store the data of the variable (mapped mouse) related to each frame in the arraylist

Now, let's display the data

ArrayList <Float> variation = new ArrayList<Float>();

void setup(){



void draw (){


  float mapMouseXFromCenter=map(mouseX,0,width,-200,200);

  variation.add (mapMouseXFromCenter);

  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;

  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;

  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;

  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;

  PVector[]points=new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist

  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist

//initalize every vectors with x=0 and y=0 values;

  for(int a=0; a<variation.size()-1; a++){

    points[a] = new PVector(0,0);

    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0);


//here the magic begins

//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors


  noFill(); //no fill

  stroke(0); // black stroke

  strokeWeight(5); //5 px stroke

  for(int i = 0; i<variation.size()-1;i++){

  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(variation.size()-1)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;

  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(variation.size()-1));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;

  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line

  amplitude[i].set(0,variation.get(i),0); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of each element of the arraylist

  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph

  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex



Try to copy and run this code to see what happens. Now we have the graph right where we intend to: starts in the middle of the screen and follow the mouse. But, the graph doesn't rotates accordingly to the mouse.
When the mouse is under the start point, the graph distorts to a straight line
Rotating Vectors
In order to achieve the rotation we need, we will need to rotate the amplitude vector accordingly to the angle between the start and the end points of the graph.

ArrayList <Float> variation = new ArrayList<Float>(); 

void setup(){

void draw (){
  float mapMouseXFromCenter=map(mouseX,0,width,-200,200);
  float mapMouseYFromCenter=map(mouseY,0,height,-200,200);
  variation.add (mapMouseXFromCenter);
  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  PVector[]points=new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist 
  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
//initalize every vectors with x=0 and y=0 values;
  for(int a=0; a<variation.size()-1; a++){
    points[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
//rotating the vectors

float deltaX=mouseX-width/2; //create a variable with the delta of the x component of the ending - start point
float deltaY=mouseY-height/2; //create a variable with the delta of the y component of the ending - start point
float angleInRadians=atan2(deltaY,deltaX); //get the angle in radians between them with atan2()

//here the magic begins

//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors

  noFill(); //no fill
  stroke(0); // black stroke
  strokeWeight(5); //5 px stroke

  for(int i = 0; i<variation.size()-1;i++){

  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(variation.size()-1)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(variation.size()-1));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;

  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line
  amplitude[i].set(0,variation.get(i),0); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of each element of the arraylist
  rotate2D(amplitude[i],angleInRadians); //rotate the vector of amplitude acordingly to the angle between the start and end points
  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph 
  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex
    for(int j=0; j<variation.size()-1;j++){

//A function that rotates the vector

void rotate2D(PVector v, float angle) {
  // What's the magnitude?
  float m = v.mag();
  // What's the angle?
  float a = v.heading2D();
  // Change the angle
  a += angle;
  // Polar to cartesian for the new xy components
  v.x = m * cos(a);
  v.y = m * sin(a);
The intended result:
The graph is dynamically drawn wherever we want
With this method, we have complete control to the graph, defining beginning  and ending points, amplitude, rotation and where the graph is rendered. With the values of the resultant vector (points[i].x and points[i].y) we can make any graph we need.
Bonus: 3D graph
Adding the third dimention of the graph makes a very unusual representation of data (just by adding the Z component (the mapped mouseY). With this, we have 3 dimensions of data: time, mouseX and mouseY;

ArrayList <Float> variation = new ArrayList<Float>(); 
ArrayList <Float> Z=new ArrayList<Float>();

void setup(){

void draw (){
  float mapMouseXFromCenter=map(mouseX,0,width,-200,200);
  float mapMouseYFromCenter=map(mouseY,0,height,-200,200);
  variation.add (mapMouseXFromCenter);
  float startPointX = width/2; //define the X position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float startPointY = height/2; //define the Y position of the start point in the center of the screen;
  float endPointX=mouseX; //define the X position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  float endPointY=mouseY; //define the Y position of the end point that will follow the mouse;
  PVector[]points=new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the flat positions of points that will create the graph with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist 
  PVector[]amplitude = new PVector[variation.size()]; //create an array of vectors that will store the amplitude of the mapped mouse with the number of elements equal to the size of the of the arraylist
//initalize every vectors with x=0 and y=0 values;
  for(int a=0; a<variation.size()-1; a++){
    points[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
    amplitude[a] = new PVector(0,0,0);
//rotating the vectors

float deltaX=mouseX-width/2; //create a variable with the delta of the x component of the ending - start point
float deltaY=mouseY-height/2; //create a variable with the delta of the y component of the ending - start point
float angleInRadians=atan2(deltaY,deltaX); //get the angle in radians between them with atan2()

//here the magic begins

//we will create a line made of vertex, and each vertex will receive the values of the vectors

  noFill(); //no fill
  stroke(0); // black stroke
  strokeWeight(5); //5 px stroke

  for(int i = 0; i<variation.size()-1;i++){

  float X=lerp(startPointX,endPointX,i/float(variation.size()-1)); // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the X component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;
  float Y=lerp(startPointY,endPointY,i/float(variation.size()-1));  // create a linear interpolation between the start and the end point of the Y component, and the amount of interpolation will cover the entire interval;

  points[i].set(X,Y,0); //set each vertex of the array with the correspondent value of the interpolation, creating a flat line
  amplitude[i].set(0,variation.get(i),Z.get(i)); //set each vertex of the aray with the amplitude of the graph, acquiring the data of each element of the arraylist
  rotate2D(amplitude[i],angleInRadians); //rotate the vector of amplitude acordingly to the angle between the start and end points
  points[i].add(amplitude[i]); //add the amplitude vector to the flat line of vectors, creating a 2D graph 
  vertex (points[i].x,points[i].y); //draw each vertex with the values (coordinates) of the vertex
    for(int j=0; j<variation.size()-1;j++){

//A function that rotates the vector

void rotate2D(PVector v, float angle) {
  // What's the magnitude?
  float m = v.mag();
  // What's the angle?
  float a = v.heading2D();

  // Change the angle
  a += angle;

  // Polar to cartesian for the new xy components
  v.x = m * cos(a);
  v.y = m * sin(a);

Next, I'll show how to render a waveform capturing the data from a microphone using minim.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I'm very busy these days and I have no hope that this will change anytime soon. I'll try to post with regularity, but I can't assure it... Sorry... :(

Collective face

According with the philosopher Levinas, the concept of face is applicable only to humans. But, if we could analyse the whole internet as a collective human face?
The internet is a acentric rhisomatic web that is expanding, but it's limited. It is a matted web in which the linked points are partially formed by proposed source codes and by rearrangement or addition of code. Internet is a medium, a language and a situation. Strictly speaking, internet is a huge set of data open to modification arising from any part of the web, and it's a place where the source code is modified and expanded accordingly with the users activity. It's a finite web that could be analysed. It's possible (with the correct method) to measure whole humanity as an single individual. It's possible to measure the macro-humor of the internet in a determined moment, evaluate if the internet is being creative or not. This way, i think the internet is like a collective face.